Sun City Peachtree
Softball Club

500 Del Webb Blvd
Griffin, GA 30223

Sun City Peachtree
Softball Club


The Softball Club would like to welcome you as a member of our community. We have players of all ability levels. We always stress safety and play under the rules of Senior Softball USA. Whether you are a longtime player or have not been on the field in 30 years, we know you will make new friends, enjoy the competition, and get some outdoor activity and exercise in the process. We play two seasons of scheduled games–Spring (March-May) and Fall (September-October) and teams are re-drafted for each season. You must be 50 years of age by the start of a season to play. We hope you will consider joining us.

If you are interested in participating, please reach out to one of our league coordinators and introduce yourself. We will add you to our email list so that you will receive important notices regarding practice and evaluation times. Or if you just have a general question, feel free to contact one of our club officers. Contact information can be found on the Contacts Page.


The purpose of the SCP Softball Club is to promote the sport of softball and operate men’s and ladies softball leagues at Sun City Peachtree. SCP Softball is a charter club under the governing control of the SCP Community Association (CA). Membership in the club is open to all CA members.

The club’s officers consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Officers serve staggered two-year terms so that there are always two members with experience. SCP Softball Board meetings take place monthly.

General membership meetings occur two times per year, typically in conjunction with each season’s ending banquet. Officers are elected at the November meeting.

There are also several committees which are vital to the success of our leagues and operations. These include Auditing, Rules, Competition, Nomination, Protest and Member Conduct, Sponsorship, Concessions, Grounds & Facilities, Veterans Day, Umpires, Scoreboard Operators, and Score keepers. Even if you don’t play (or can no longer play) there are many ways to be involved!