Volunteers Make the Club

An organization the size of the SCP Softball Club cannot operate without the help of dozens of volunteers. From committee members to league coordinators, to team managers, to umpires, it takes a very large team of dedicated volunteers to make the Club a success. The Softball Club Board of Directors would like to encourage everyone to consider serving on one of the many committees or in one of the many roles that will need to be filled every year. 

See the sections below for officer and committee descriptions. Click the plus sign beside an item to toggle open the description and the minus sign to close. Many of the descriptions have embedded links to view a PDF of the officer or coordinator job description.

BOARD OFFICERS: elected by membership each Fall to serve one-year terms for a calendar year.

The responsibilities of the Club President shall include (cf. By-Law III.E):

  1. Exercise general supervision over the business and affairs of the Club. Preside at all general meetings of the Club as well as the meetings of the Board. Call all meetings as required. Make appointments (including Committees) as required.
  2. Report the business of the Club to the membership at the regular scheduled meetings.
  3. Appoint a committee of two (2) members to conduct a year-end audit of the books and records of the Club. The audit shall be conducted, and results reported to the membership at the next scheduled meeting.
  4. Serve as the liaison between the Club and the Community Association.
  5. Within 14 days of newly elected or appointed Officers, submit FORM “CC-5” listing all club Officers to the CA Lifestyle Director.
  6. Co-sign checks issued by the Treasurer as required.
  7. Serve as the liaison between the Board and Club committees as assigned by the Board.
  8. Other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.

You can click here for a formal job description.

The responsibilities of the Club vice-president shall include (cf. By-Law III.E):

  1. Assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
  2. Oversee the development of and compliance with League rules.
  3. Co-sign checks issued by the Treasurer as required.
  4. Serve as the liaison between the Board and Club committees as assigned by the Board.
  5. Other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.

You can click here for a formal job description.

The responsibilities of the Club secretary shall include (cf. By-Law III.E):

  1. To keep a full and complete record of the Club meetings and the Board meetings. If the Secretary is not present the presiding President will appoint an acting Secretary.
  2. To prepare and mail such notices as required by the Club By-Laws and which the Board deems necessary for the notification of members; and to maintain the official correspondence of this Club.
  3. Other than financial records, maintain all Club records including the By-Laws, amendments to the By-Laws and meeting minutes for both Board meetings and other Club meetings.
  4. Co-sign checks issued by the Treasurer as required.
  5. Serve as the liaison between the Board and Club committees as assigned by the Board.
  6. Other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.

You can click here for a formal job description.

The responsibilities of the Club Treasurer shall include (cf. By-Law III.E):

  1. To receive and safely keep all monies of the Club and deposit same in such bank as the Board may designate.
  2. Prepare a proposed annual budget to be submitted and approved by the Board. After approval by the Board, submit FORM “CC-10”, Charter Club Budget to the CA Lifestyle Director.
  3. Maintain a set of book and records that accurately records all receipts and expenditures of the Club. Records must be maintained for a period of seven (7) years.
  4. Maintain original expense receipts to substantiate Club expenses.
  5. Present financial reports as required at Board meetings and the annual membership meetings. Financial reports will be supplied to any member upon the member’s request.
  6. Co-sign all checks with at least one (1) other Board member; assure all expenditures are made by the Club check or debit card.
  7. Submit annual financial reports to the CA Lifestyle Director as required.
  8. Coordinate with the Fund-Raising Committee on any fundraising activity entered into by the Club.
  9. Serve as the liaison between the Board and Club committees as assigned by the Board.
  10. Other duties as assigned by the Board of Directors.

You can click here for a formal job description.

CLUB OPERATIONS COMMITTEES: facilitate the administrative functions within the club outside of game play.

The Activities and Events Committee is the primary group that is responsible for ensuring Club events are successful. This committee shall consist of a group of individuals dedicated to planning and organizing events as assigned by the Board. The Committee is led by the Activities and Events Coordinator, who is appointed by the Board. The Committee members are recruited by and serve at the pleasure of the Coordinator.

The Audit Committee will consist of two qualified volunteers that will conduct the annual financial review (cf. By-Laws VII.A). The Club Treasurer will provide all appropriate documentation and be available during the audit to answer questions. The audit will take place at a mutually convenient time for the committee and Treasurer, but the findings must be available for reporting to the membership at the annual Fall meeting.

The By-Laws Committee is an ad-hoc committee of three volunteers that will be formed when the Club’s Board of Directors deems it necessary to modify or add new by-laws. The committee will review the request and suggest and/or review appropriate verbiage for the proposed adjustment(s). They will then coordinate with the LD and CAC to implement the changes as outlined in the Charter Club Operating Manual.

The Charity Committee will search for and recommend quality fund-raising opportunities that will provide the Club members with the ability to devote some of their time and resources to worthy causes both inside and outside of the community. The committee will work with the Board to schedule events, and with other Club committees as needed to coordinate concessions, play exhibition games, develop and conduct fund-raising strategies, etc.

The Communications Committee is tasked with maintaining the Club’s internet presence through the development and management of the Club’s website, email accounts, cloud-based storage, social media, etc. The committee will also work with the Board to communicate in a professional manner to the membership when required, as well as providing articles and notices for the community Buzz magazine, and weekly community emails initiated by the Lifestyle Director. They will also assist the Board as requested in establishing and publicizing Club and league calendars, game schedules, and other tasks as requested. This committee will be led by a Board-appointed Communications Coordinator (click here for job description).

The Concessions Committee will consist of one or more individuals who will coordinate the concessions activities for the Club. This includes administering Club-sponsored concessions, as well as coordinating with other clubs, organizations, and pods within the SCP community selected to provide concessions as a fund-raising activity. The committee will be led by the Concessions Coordinator (click here for job description), who has oversight responsibilities for operations of the concessions area at the ball field (cf. By-Laws VII.A).

The Protest and Conduct Committee will consist of at least three members of the Club who adjudicate game suspensions and protests. It will also review and make recommendations on how to deal with member and spectator conduct issues referred to them by the Board (cf. By-Laws VII.A). They will elect a committee chairman from among themselves.

The Grounds and Facilities Committee is responsible for ensuring the playing field is in good condition and is safe for players. It oversees facilities construction, remodeling and upgrading as necessary or appropriate. It monitors inventory of supplies needed for preparing the field for play and ordering such items (cf. By-Laws VII.A). The committee will be led by a Board-appointed coordinator (click here for job description).

The Equipment Committee will consist of one or more individuals who will have the responsibility of maintaining the Club-owned softball equipment and procuring consumable supplies needed for conducting league games. They will order and maintain team jerseys. They will ensure that league and member equipment meet the standards as specified in governing and local rules. The committee will be led by a coordinator (click here for job description) appointed by the Board.

The Health and Safety Committee is focused on the well-being of the membership and is led by a Board-appointed coordinator (click here for job description). Responsibilities include recruiting and assigning qualified individuals to serve as first responders for all league games, including appropriate training and certifications. They will monitor the inventory of first aid supplies and equipment and will order such items as appropriate. They will provide information to players regarding best practices for safety, training and exercise to avoid injuries. They will make safety recommendations to the board for consideration. They will work with team managers to facilitate HOA-mandated accident reporting procedures.

This committee will consist of at least three members and will solicit and recommend nominations for Board positions during the Fall election period for any vacant positions that will exist the following year (cf. By-Laws VII.A). They will also ensure those nominated by club membership are qualified and willing to run for office. They will elect a committee chairman from amongst themselves.

The committee will consist of one or more members and will develop the league game schedule each season within the guidelines provided by the Board. This committee will be led by a Board-appointed Scheduling Coordinator (click here for job description), who will work with the supplemental personnel coordinators (umpires, scorekeepers, scoreboard operators, concessions, health and safety) to ensure coverage is provided for each game, and that assigned personnel are kept informed of their scheduled duties. They will also assist in keeping the calendar information up to date on the Club website.

The Sponsorship Committee will consist of one or more members and will be led by a Board-appointed Coordinator (click here for job description). This committee will seek new sponsors and retain existing ones. The coordinator will act as a liaison between the Board and the sponsors. They will coordinate production of banners with the sign vendor and arrange for said item to be displayed. They will develop appropriate correspondence and documentation as required. They will work with the Club Treasurer to coordinate, document, and account for all funds raised by sponsorships (cf. By-Laws VII.A).

This committee will coordinate all activities for the annual Veteran’s Day Game, including sponsorship, costs, player selection and supporting game day activities and endeavors (cf. By-Laws VII.A). The committee will be led by a chair appointed by the Military Affairs Group and will coordinate events through a Board liaison.

LEAGUE AND GAME OPERATIONS COMMITTEES: facilitate and administer the softball games played by members.

League coordinators are assigned to each active league and provide general oversight to the activities of each league and are responsible for reporting any matters requiring Board attention. They oversee the development of practice schedules, new player opportunities, and are the conduit of information between the Board and the team managers. They work with the Board Equipment Coordinator to maintain team jerseys, an adequate supply of game softballs, and other supplies as required. They are de facto non-voting members of the Rules and Competition committees for their league and will ensure that these committees have an adequate number of members, that they meet on a regular basis, and report to the Board as required.

Click here for a complete job description.

Team managers are the leaders of their team. They have the ultimate responsibility for the team and serve as the on-field leader and decision-maker of the team during games. They also participate in player evaluations and the draft process for their team. They schedule adequate practice sessions and scrimmage games for their team. They confirm player availability and obtain substitute players as needed. They prepare rosters and lineups for each game.

Click here for complete job description.

The Rules Committee will review current rules and suggestions from the Board and members to ensure that they are necessary, appropriate, and in the best interests of the players, and recommend such changes to the Board for final approval (cf. By-Laws VII.A). The Board will determine whether to implement Rules Committees for each league, or to implement one consolidated committee. The league coordinator(s) will recruit and/or assign members with sufficient backgrounds to provide quality input to the committee. The Board will approve the membership and assign additional ad-hoc members if desired. The Board liaison(s) and league coordinator(s) will act in an advisory role.

This Committee will evaluate players and review and recommend changes to the substitution list and player rankings (cf. By-Laws VII.A). There should be one committee of qualified individuals for each league. The league coordinator(s) will recruit and/or assign members with sufficient backgrounds to provide accurate player assessments to the committee. The Board will approve the membership and assign additional ad-hoc members if desired. The Board liaison(s) and league coordinator(s) will act in an advisory role.

The Player Development Committee will promote the sport of softball to the SCP community at large, provide opportunities for interested residents to try the sport, work with new players as a point of contact for information, confirm new player residency requirements, and to work with the league coordinators to schedule training and skills clinics for players. The committee will consist of a Board-approved coordinator (click here for job description), and at least one member from each active league.

The Manager Evaluation and Selection Committee is an ad-hoc committee consisting of at least 3 qualified individuals with sufficient institutional knowledge to evaluate the qualifications of team manager prospects. If there are more manager applicants than openings, the committee will rank the applicants for use by the Board in approving team managers. The Board will recruit members and assign a chairperson. The committee will be provided the option of interviewing the managerial applicants if desired.

The Umpire Committee consists of those individuals who have volunteered to serve as game umpires. They will be led by one or more Coordinator(s) of Umpires, who are responsible for officiating and training sessions to improve umpiring skills and knowledge of the rules. The coordinator(s) will assign umpires for each game (cf. By-Laws VII.A) or provide the assignment guidelines for the Club Scheduling Coordinator.

The Scorekeeper Committee consists of those individuals who have volunteered to serve as scorekeepers at each game. They will record each player at-bat in the club-provided scorebook. They will accurately record hits, errors, walks, and outs, as well as substitutions and pinch-runners. They will be called upon by the home plate umpire to confirm the game situation, and for batting order and pinch runner appeals, etc. They will be led by the Coordinator of Scorekeepers, who is responsible for training scorekeepers to create a basic understanding of the rules and scoring conventions, as well as ensuring season statistics are maintained and provided to team managers and the Board as requested (cf. By-Laws VII.A). The coordinator will assign scorekeepers for each game or provide assignment guidelines for the Club Scheduling Coordinator.

The Scoreboard Operator Committee consists of those individuals who have volunteered to serve as scoreboard operators for each game. They are responsible for accurately tracking the score, inning, balls, strikes, and outs during the game. They are responsible for safely and securely storing the equipment, turning the board off and on, etc. They will be led by the Coordinator of Scoreboard Operators who will provide adequate training as needed (cf. By-Laws VII.A). The coordinator will assign operators for each game or provide assignment guidelines for the Club Scheduling Coordinator.

Public address announcer(s) will provide real-time game commentary, pre-game, post-game, and in-between innings music, and player at-bat information during the games. They will also make announcements as requested, and emcee on-field ceremonies. They will act in a professional manner and provide music appropriate for a senior adult community. The announcer will provide his own equipment adequate for a reasonable volume for the ball field and spectator areas. The announcer will be financially compensated for his work as agreed to by the Board prior to each season.

The Club should enlist the services of at least one member who is proficient in photography to serve as a Club photographer. It is important to record significant events and activities at the ball field for publication purposes in The Buzz community magazine, as well as to serve as the photographer for making team photos at the beginning of each season. A photographer will provide their own equipment, and should be able to use graphical editing software to crops photos, overlay text, etc. They will be required to share their work with the Communications Committee for placement on the website. This is a volunteer position with no compensation. However, the Club may reimburse a photographer for any printing costs that arise in conjunction with creating the team photos for award plaques.